


人權政策宣言 Human Rights Declaration

ONYX does not discriminate against people based on race, sex, age, political affiliation, religion, and disability status. We follow the local minimum age requirement, local regulations, RBA and other relevant provisions as well as announce our Declaration on Human Rights policy in accordance to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

ONYX Declaration on Human Rights policy is as follow:

  • 不僱用童工:符合當地的最低年齡的法律和規定,不僱用童工。
    No Child Labor: Adhere strictly to local laws and regulations regarding the minimum working age, and do not employ any child labor.
  • 符合基本薪資:提供員工符合甚至優於當地法令所要求之最低限度的工資與福利。
    Minimum wages: Compensate our employees with wages and benefits that meet or even exceed the local legally required minimum.
  • 工作時數:符合或優於當地法令,提供員工有薪休假,不強迫員工工作超過當地法令規定之最高每日勞動時間,並遵守加班工資的要求或必要的補償。
    Working hours: Provide employees with periodic or more than local labor law holidays with pay. Do not force our employees to work more than the maximum hours of daily labor set by local laws. Comply with overtime pay requirements or compensations where required.
  • 不歧視:禁止基於種族、膚色、年齡、性別、性傾向、宗教、殘疾、工會員或政治傾向的歧視。人人有權享受平等保護,不受任何歧視。
    Non-discrimination: Prohibit discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, union membership or political affiliation. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination.
  • 無非人道的待遇:禁止騷擾、身體虐待或其威脅。
    No harsh or inhumane treatment: Prohibit physical abuse, harassment or the threat of either.
  • 自由選擇職業:禁止使用強逼、擔保(包括抵債)或用契約束縛本籍或外籍的勞工。不雇用非自願的監獄工、奴役或販賣人口,確保整體的僱用條件都是自願的。提供員工母語書寫的勞動契約,除非法令規定,不得扣留員工身分證明文件(身份證、護照、工作證或居留證)。
    Freely- Chosen Employment: Forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery or trafficking of persons shall not be used. Ensure that the overall terms of employment are voluntary. As part of the hiring process, employees must be provided with a written labor contract in their native language. Employer may not hold employees’ identity or immigration documents or Work Permits or Resident Certificate, unless such holdings are required by law.
  • 健康與安全:提供所有員工一個相互信任與尊重的健康與安全工作環境。
    Health and Safety: Provide all our employees with a healthy and safe working environment with mutual trust and respect.
  • 員工訓練與發展:提供設施、培訓計劃、時間和補助,鼓勵員工的專業與自我發展。
    Employee training and development: Provide facilities, training programs, time and subsidies to support our employees professional knowledge and self- development.
  • 自由結社:根據法律,尊重所有員工有集會結社自由權及參不參加當地合法工會的權利。雇主不得干涉或禁止。
    Freedom of Association:Employee has the right, with or without a union, to associate or work with fellow employees to the purpose of addressing common workplace issues. This association can result in the employees choosing to be represented by a labor organization (e.g., trade union, employee association, works council) and bargaining collectively with their employer, if they so choose. The supplier should not punish or prevent employees from choosing to exercise their right to associate for a common good. The organization and the way in which employees choose to associate must be compliance with local country law.


禁用童工 禁止強迫勞動 提供健康與安全之工作環境 杜絕不法歧視確保工作機會均等 協助員工維持身心健康及工作生活平衡

恪遵當地政府勞動法令、國際規章及醫揚科技人權政策,不強制或脅迫任何無意願之人員進行勞務行為。 制定嚴謹的安全衛生工作守則,以無事故為管理目標每年辦理健康檢查,加入壓力量表及人因工程量表,並推動員工協助方案,同步關懷同仁身心靈之健康。 恪遵當地政府勞動法令、國際規章及醫揚科技人權政策,落實內部相關法規。




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